Sunday, May 25, 2014

Baby Wearing

Hello all parents. I am a baby wearing mama and i'm in love with it. With my second child I was introduced to baby wearing and wish i would have been introduced to it with my son 5 years ago! I own a a Moby (given to me at my baby shower) a Ergo and a DIY gauze wrap. My first go to is the Moby because I feel it really keeps my miss close and allows for me to do all the house work I want while she's sung. It's a stretchy wrap and the colors are amazing. Mine is the sea foam green. My his band will wear her in this because its not girly (his words). My second is the Ergo. It's great to take to the store or short walks because its no fuss. You snap it on and bam ready for baby. The Ergo can be for new borns all the way to toddlers. They also come in a wide varieties of colors and styles and have infant inserts along with belts extenders to adapt to bigger people. Then there is my DIY gauze wrap. I enjoy it and I'm still getting use to it as its a little diggy. It has very little stretch and I run int the problem of not being being able to get it tight enough. I am also not very experienced with wrapping yet (6 months down). 

So there's my run down of what I have and why I love the investments I have made. I hope that more parents state wearing their babies because it so important to have baby close and it truly can calm a baby down in moments.
 Photo selfie- DIY Gauze wrap
My Aunt wearing her in the Ergo 
Another wearing selfie- Moby wrap(don't pay attention to the sleep deprived mama!)

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